Dragon Ball Super is a Japanese anime television series that serves as a sequel to the original Dragon Ball manga and anime series. The series is produced by Toei Animation and began airing on July 5, 2015. The series is set in the same universe as the original Dragon Ball series, and follows the adventures of Goku, Vegeta, and the rest of the Dragon Ball gang as they encounter new challenges and enemies.
The series begins with Goku and Vegeta returning to Earth after participating in a martial arts tournament in another universe. They soon discover that a powerful new enemy named Beerus, the God of Destruction, is on a mission to destroy the Earth. In order to stop Beerus, Goku and Vegeta must train harder than ever before and reach new levels of power. Along the way, they encounter a variety of new characters, including Goku's new form, Super Saiyan God, and Vegeta's own transformation into a Super Saiyan Blue.
The series also introduces a new enemy named Frieza, who has been resurrected and is now more powerful than ever before. In order to defeat him, the Dragon Ball gang must unite and use all of their powers and skills.
As the series progresses, Goku and Vegeta continue to train and grow stronger, facing new challenges and enemies along the way. Along the way, they encounter new allies, such as the powerful warrior Cabba and the mysterious warrior Monaka.
The series also explores the themes of family and friendship, as Goku and Vegeta's relationships with their loved ones are tested and strengthened through their adventures. The series also delves into the concept of the "multiverse," as the Dragon Ball gang travels to different universes and dimensions to face new challenges and enemies.
Dragon Ball Super also introduces new forms and abilities, such as the "Ultra Instinct" form, which allows Goku to fight at an entirely new level of power and speed. The series also introduces new characters, such as Jiren, a powerful warrior from Universe 11 who becomes a major antagonist in the series.
The series ends with the "Tournament of Power" arc, where the fate of all universes is decided. In the final battle, Goku and Jiren engage in an epic duel that pushes both warriors to the limit, with Goku ultimately emerging victorious and saving the universe.
Overall, Dragon Ball Super is an action-packed and exciting continuation of the Dragon Ball franchise, filled with new characters, new powers, and new adventures. The series is a must-watch for fans of the original Dragon Ball series and for anyone who loves high-stakes battles and epic storylines.