Girls und Panzer is a military-themed anime series that follows a group of high school girls as they participate in tank battles as part of their school's "Sensha-do" (tankery) club. The anime is set in an alternate universe where tankery, the art of operating tanks, is a traditional martial art and a popular sport, especially among girls.
The main character of the anime is Miho Nishizumi, a girl who transfers to the all-girls school Ōarai Academy. She joins the Sensha-do club, despite her reluctance to participate in tank battles, as she has a traumatic past related to the sport. However, as she becomes more involved in the club, she discovers that tankery is not just about fighting, but also about teamwork, camaraderie, and the beauty of the tanks themselves.
The anime is praised for its detailed and accurate portrayal of tanks and their operations. Each tank featured in the anime is based on a real-life tank, and the battles are choreographed in a way that is both exciting and believable. The battles are also accompanied by a thrilling and fitting soundtrack that adds to the overall experience.
The characters in the anime are also well-developed, with each of them having their own unique personalities, backgrounds, and motivations. The girls of the Sensha-do club are all likable, relatable and easy to root for. The anime also explores themes of friendship, determination, and the importance of following one's passion.
The animation of the anime is also noteworthy, with detailed backgrounds and character designs, as well as smooth and fluid action sequences. The series also features a light-hearted and comedic tone, which is a nice contrast to the serious and action-packed battles.
Overall, Girls und Panzer is a unique and entertaining anime that combines thrilling tank battles with relatable characters and heartwarming themes. It's a must-watch for fans of military anime, as well as those who enjoy character-driven stories.