Browse all Doujins from Shinchou Yuusha Kono Yuusha Ga Ore Tueee Kuse Ni Shinchou Sugiru

Shinchou Yuusha Kono Yuusha Ga Ore Tueee Kuse Ni Shinchou Sugiru is often searched together with

Read all 1 Doujins from Shinchou Yuusha Kono Yuusha Ga Ore Tueee Kuse Ni Shinchou Sugiru

The goddess Rista summons a hero to help her hard mode video game-like world. The hero, Seiya, is exceptional in every way, but he is incredibly cautious to the point of buying three sets of armor (one to wear, a spare, and a spare for the spare) and going full power against weak slimes (just in case).